Thursday, 17 January 2013

17th January 2013

A team of 20, including myself, are up against 10 other people in a challenge that involves low gravity and a narrow, sloping corridor that is defended by the enemy team. We must reach a magical barrier at the end of the corridor or else our entire team is killed. However, only groups of one to three are allowed at a time and each member may only try once to reach the end without releasing the blanket that they are given, otherwise they are teleported to a separate room where they may only spectate.

I am the last one left after the rest of my team failed so I wear the blanket like a cape for easier movement and run down the corridor, leaping high over the defenders as I get dangerously close. After passing, I run as fast as I can but get tripped and dragged away by several others near the end. After a few seconds, my legs are suddenly released and I get pushed into the barrier, winning the challenge for my team. I look behind to see it was Sam who helped me so I thank him for saving us and he gives me a big hug.