I was with the rest of my family in a strange little woodland area with a big house nearby, so I assumed this was ours. Everyone was being assigned jobs to do around the place and I was given the job of organizing some strange plant from good and bad plants. I protested but was shouted at, so I accepted it. This creamy-coloured strange plant looked like a mix between rocks and mushrooms and had a very smooth texture. So I started to organize these rock-mushrooms and eventually finished an hour later. I wandered around the woodland and discovered various other strange plants until I spotted some of my school friends. We all talked for a while until we had to venture into the town. We were separated by home towns/villages and I almost missed my car.
We soon arrived in Scunthorpe, where we parked up at a new motorbike arena. Some of the people who worked here were quite friendly and the rest of my friends were riding around on the back of the workers' motorbikes. Someone offered me a chance to ride on the back of one so I accepted. Halfway through the rider disappeared and I was left to control the motorbike. I ended up crashing into another motorbike and was shouted at by the other rider. This happened a second time, so I gave up. I noticed many different flags hanging from railings above us, but the one at the entrance I couldn't recognize.
The dream switched to near a big field near my grandma's house in Scunthorpe. I was with my brother and we hopped across the fence into the field. We looked to our left and were startled by a train coming right towards us, our first instinct was to jump out the way but it stopped just where we were previously standing. The driver hopped out of it and apologized to us and asked us if we were alright; we nodded and our attention was caught by a young, and quite big, lady jumping off the back of the train. She walked over to us and repeated what the driver just asked us. They told us that they are a carnival and were going to set up on the field. They did so in about 20 seconds and showed us several features.