Saturday, 9 July 2011

7th July 2011

In my house, my dad had cleared some boxes out of my bedroom and for some reason there's two lights on the ceiling instead of just one, but one of the bulbs are missing. Somehow, this causes loads of glitches like if you were in a laggy game.

The dream switches to me sitting in a random room next to a gumball machine and my red t-shirt is pulled over my knees. Billy sits near me and I scoot across the floor and sit beside him. We talk for a while and get onto the subject of hanging out and doing Parkour, which we both agree to.

6th July 2011

I am in a very dim room with a few other people and one of them suddenly stops moving and just stares at one point in the room so I ask her what's wrong and she says she feels like a sheep and is too scared to move. I look at where she is looking but there's nothing there. I look at her in disbelief but when I look back, there is a shadowy man standing there and suddenly I am frozen in fear. I, like the other girl, feel like a sheep for some reason. I eventually snap out of it and shake my head but the man is gone. This similar experience happens several times through the dream and even in a few different ways, like appearing on my computer screen at random moments.

5th July 2011

I'm in a computer room in an unfamiliar building with a few people from my school like Hollie Taylor and Lottie and I am randomly given a sword and shield. I go outside and I'm confronted by two big stone guardians. The sword and shield I was given previously reminded me of Legend of Zelda but the way I fought did not. I defeat the guardians and proceed through a portal which takes me to the boss room and I am joined by Billy and Lottie to help me win this fight. The boss is killed by us and we are all deemed worthy champions.

3rd July 2011

I appear in Grimsby where part of it changed to look exactly like Brigg. I look around and see Louis inside one of the shops but I keep walking. He sees me but doesn't believe it's actually me and first and keeps glancing at me to check. I carry on and find Billy in one of the shops too. He exits and notices me so I go over to him and say hi and we continue to talk while sitting on a nearby patch of grass. Afterwards we do some Parkour around the area and have lots of fun. Louis finds us and joins us too and we have races and stuff. I leave at around 9:30pm but wake up straight afterwards.

30th June 2011

We are trying to search for something and we come across a building that you can play in, similar to that a 5 year old would play in. Matthew Austin randomly appeared in the building, along with some other random people. We go back into the hideout where I practise rolls and look after some eggs and suddenly I get attacked, Lottie with me, but my brother comes in and beats them all up.

The dream changes to the setting of Storm Peaks in WoW and I am on Teritha, Billy is standing near me on Calerita and Louis is on Malralaar. Louis leaves and Billy and I kill something and it drops 2 mounts. Billy gets the blue drake and I get the green proto drake and an epic enchant.

28th June 2011

I am in a strange world with a bar and some quests. I go to the bar and buy something but they take too long so I get some other stuff for free. I begin a nearby quest from a dragon and it involves me having to kill strange, mutated creatures. I finish a lot of quests in the quest chain until I get to the last one. In the last one, I have to kill a giant dragon using an army of much smaller ones and after an epic battle I eventually win with one dragon left standing. The dragon that I killed was called Terigos and the quest giver was Alexstrasza.

21st June 2011

I was on a game (maybe Minecraft) with Billy and we made people go through very dark mazes and it scared the shit out of them with what we did and put into them. After they finished, they forced us to go through one which they made. Their maze had several different starting points but me and Billy go through the same entrance. We encountered many things, some of which actually manage to scare Billy. At the end, we were put up against monsters called the 'Preserved' but I woke up before anything happened.